The Gift of Meaningful Change

Cover of the book, What the Soul Wants for Christmas. This book guides meaningful change in the reader's life..

I help others for a living. I help them make one meaningful change after another. I’ve done this professionally since 1980. It is both a vocation and avocation, which means I do this even when I don’t get paid. I’ve now published my first book as a continuation of my commitment to others, What the Soul Wants for Christmas: Open Yourself to Fresh Celebrations of the Holidays… and Life.

Something inside of me feels connected to every person I meet. I am wired to care. It often seems as if I feel the pain of others. So, I’ve spent my entire life, which began sixty years ago, wanting to encourage the souls around me and looking for genuine solutions to the inevitable ways we, as humans, suffer.

When I started an alternative school in 2000, “Being 101”, the name of this website, was my catch phrase for the course I designed to teach social-emotional literacy to my students and their families. Back then the available resources were meager, and much of what I see produced today still falls short. So I began assembling every helpful thing I could find and fitting these disparate pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle that gave the user a more complete outcome.

Helping someone develop the skills and strategies to feel peace in any situation and to become strong enough to extend that peace to others is a complicated process. Many books and curriculums have good nuggets embedded in them, but a person going through a difficult time wouldn’t find the work entirely relevant.

In the first book of the What the Soul Wants series, I take the topic of the Christmas Holiday as a platform on which I can guide the reader into a new relationship with the inevitable winter celebrations by redesigning the Holiday Blueprint so celebrations become more practical, respectful, and meaningful.

Anyone who uses the material in this weekly workbook gets the side benefit of having their life also become more practical, respectful, and meaningful as well.

Please take a look at my book, What the Soul Wants for Christmas, and see if it deserves a place on your shelf or nightstand, and think of who else you know whose life will be enriched by these ideas. I’m excited to see longtime readers of this blog buying copies for their entire family. This is brilliant! Let the words I wrote serve as a catalyst for the changes your family needs most. Move forward together with as many in your circle who are inclined to embrace this opportunity to progress at a manageable pace, gently and gradually.

This year be wise and give the gift of meaningful change.

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